Monday 24 January 2011

holy experience

Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

267.  Although my mother in law is seriously ill in hospital an hour or so away it is an hour in the same direction as my husband works so he is able to visit on his way home from work with just a slight detour.

268.  Mother in law is hopefully coming home later this week.

269.  Eldest son has got a day off work Thursday and his usual free days are Friday and Saturday so he is able to come hoe for a few days and visit.

270.  Even though there are only 2 days to go until he is coming home we were able to get Advance tickets that brought the cost of the train down from £45 to £23. 

271.  Since eldest has to be back down there for morning service on Sunday (he is working as an intern at a church), hubby is going to borrow a company car over the weekend and we will all travel down first thing Sunday morning to be there for morning service.

272.  Had great fun making my birthday gift to me this last week. 

273.  Got a reasonable price on some more fabric so that I can extent the leftover fabric from 1 more bag to 2 more bags.  Hoping to then sell them and recoup some of the cost of my bag!

274.  A very interesting comment on my facebook when I shared photos of that bag, from a missionary acquaintance in Romania.  Have since spoken to a couple of people at church, only very briefly and think something could definitely come of it . . .

275.  Youngest is done with exams for another few months, so that's one less stress.

276.  Even though we are a one car family for a while again I still have my free bus pass, and that is helping me get around while hubby is at work.

277.  Awesome time celebrating my 40th birthday with church friends, after church this week.  Complete with me calling everyone into the food by blowing a kids toy trumpet and yelling "grubs up!"

278.  Some fantastic birthday gifts and apparently a couple still to come in the post.

279.  Lots of cards and wonderful messages on facebook!

280.  FAB AT 40!  THIS is going to be a good year, a blessed year.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts or in Thankful Thursday, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banners at the top of this post.


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