Wednesday 12 January 2011

So a week or so ago I wrote about my theme for 2011, New!  I figured it would be good to check in every now and again with an update on whether I have managed to do anything new during that time.

Yes, a few things NEW.
Firstly in my art journal I used something that was going to go in the trash, I used the foil off an after dinner mint, as part of a page.  See all those bits of gold on the right hand page? 

Then I did an assembly at a school that is new to my regular assemblies. I have done an assembly there before for Operation Christmas Child, in my role as volunteer presenter with them, but never one of my regular assemblies that are what I do for my job with my church. This school is in walking distance from my house, and the assembly went well. Some of the assemblies I do are not at all interactive but this one is and so far it seems to be going well. I had to make a prop for the assembly and managed to do that with things I already had, rather than having to go and buy anything.

I have read through the bible in a year before but on my own, never as part of a group and this year I am doing it as part of a group on facebook.  We're each reading whatever version we want to and using the "in a year" plan that suits us best but coming together on facebook and discussing, it's amazing.  In fact one of the things I want to do today is maybe ready a bit further than my readings for today so I can get a bit ahead so that if I have to miss a day then it won't put me behind my plan.

Also Hubby and I sat down with the calendar a couple of nights ago and pre planned date nights for 5 months!  We have never done that before, always planning week by week.  The trouble with planning week by week is that it can often get missed as life gets away from us.  We know eating out is expensive and there are always reasons to eat out on nights other than date night such as family events and so on, so we don't want to spend too much on date night.  I have done themed date night meals in the past, both Indian and Chinese, I have a little bit of dishware that goes well with each of those themes and occasionally will make a few paper decorations to go with the theme as well as making a spotify playlist of music from that nation. I think I will be having to do some research on both music and recipes as these are the themes we have over the next 5 months:
American (for groundhog day)
Pancakes (for Shrove Tuesday)
South African (must ask our South African friends at church for ideas)
Fun food (for April fools day)
Jewish (the week fo Passover)
Royal Wedding

Finally something NOT QUITE new in that I had done it before but a long time ago.  I have started keeping my thankfulness journal again.  A separate journal that i keep on my nightstand and write in before bed most nights.  I try and write at least 5 things that I am thankful for in that day.  It is a really good way to end the day and is proving useful in reminding me of all the blessings I DO have in my life.
The last entry in it before I restarted it was 2007 and that was only 1 entry, so a failed restart, because the entry before that was 2001!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  10 years ago that I last did this consistently, so I think it kind of counts as NEW.


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