Sunday 2 January 2011

A few weeks ago, hubby and I went into central London for the day.  While we were there I picked up various magazines and books which have at least one image (if not a whole book full) that I am sure I will end up using in a collage in my art journal.

3 different copies of the Covent Garden magazine. The front and back covers usually have good images, but there is little else use able other than the central spread of each one has this map

We popped into John Lewis and I grabbed their free magazine

which alongside the usual fashion spreads and other advertisements, has a few useful photos.

Also in John Lewis (or possibly Selfridges) I picked up a paint chips card where each colour is a separate piece of card attached to the main card. I am sure I am going to make something cool out of these.

But the absolute best free find of the day was when we went into the national Geographic shop and they were handing out free copies of this book.

This book is full of awesome photos, like this:

At the service station on the way home I picked up a tourist brochure.

With some nice pictures in it

but my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE items that are well, almost free, in that they had already been put in the pile of books to be given away, are these:

I'd made this big pile of books which we no longer used and in amongst it were a whole pile of books which were discards from the local library in the first place, so even when I did pay for them it was only 10p each. There are so many fantastic pictures in that book that although I no longer wanted it as a book I could not give it away, I knew I had to use it as supplies for collage.

the Narnia activity book I had paid for in a proper store but it was a discount book place so I think I had paid less than £2 for it. I love some of the images:

I am seriously thinking about not cutting it up at all but making an altered book art journal from it, using some pages or elements of pages as they are and working around them. It's decent quality paper so would work fine without gluing pages together.


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