Monday 24 May 2010

holy experience

Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

164. friends who know I do things a bit differently than they do and love me just the same, without trying to change me into versions of them. (wish I could say that for everyone I know.)

165. friends who have the courage to say the hard things that need to be said, RACHEL you are awesome!

166. Opportunity to meet together in a team and seek a way forward.

167. Many opportunities for grace growing coming up as I am not happy about some of the decisions made in that meeting.

168. Plans for girls night out (early stages but plans are beginning just the same).

169. Opportunity to gather around our leaders and pray for them through difficult situations they are facing.

170. Excitement of a new engaged couple at church, Congratulations Terry and Helen.

171. BEAUTIFUL gorgeous, wonderful weather.


173. My eldest who was Stage Manager for before the interval and Deputy Stage Manager for after the interval came over to us after the show and I have never seen him looking so RIGHT! There are no other words for it, he just looked RIGHT, and that is something I have not seen in him in a long long time.

174. Loose covers on my sofas mean I can take advantage of a day like today and wash them all!

175. Small group BBQ tomorrow evening means another week off from planning a session, while I know we will have to get back to it eventually I am glad of the reprieve during this warmer weather.

176. School assembly went well today - Thank You God For Pain - using the story of Leprosy to explain why we can say that, because pain is our bodies alarm system, it lets us know there is something wrong. And the volunteer I chose to demonstrate by whacking my hand with a ruler was gentle, THANK YOU!

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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