Sunday 16 May 2010

holy experience

Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

149. Fabric bargains on Ebay

150. All the other accessories for this project also on Ebay. I am making a curtain to go across the archway between our kitchen and dining room. Sadly the supplies won't arrive in time to improve the look of that space for this week's date night, but hopefully for the week after.

151. Although I forgot to buy the stuff for tomorrows Sunday's Cool class while we were out this morning, I did remember before it was too late.

152. Found hanging basket tomatoes at a decent price and hubby got them potted up in the baskets.

153. Eldest son appears to be doing well now that their theatre group from college has actually got into the theatre.

154. Eldest son had an early finish on Saturday, and didn't have to be in until noon yesterday.

155. Although I was on a rota at church and therefore could not take son to the theatre, hubby was not on any rotas and could slip out of church early to make sure son got there on time.

156. Youngest gained a place on a university experience course this summer.

157. Some lovely plates and bowls that weren't too expensive at the Chinese supermarket on Saturday.

158. I have walked over my target number of steps 6 days out of the last 7. Might be time to up my target a little.

159. A collection of recipe books that allows me to find recipes to meet our needs, as well as just chilling out flipping through them, daydreaming.

160. Nudging from God that expecting hubby to put in all the organising etc effort when it comes to our date nights is not fair and a nudging to move froward with taking on some of that responsibility.

161. Exciting possible work experience opportunity for youngest son in the summer.

162. Encouraging words from a number of sources this week. Thank you Kate, Donna, Stacey and Leann in particular.

163. No matter how much I avoid it and hide from the honesty it forces me to face, my journal is always there, waiting, when I decided to turn back to it.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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