Tuesday 18 May 2010

The challenge for day 4 of the the Theme-A-Day Blog Journal Project is:
"Write about your favourite holiday/ vacation and include photos if you wish"

hmmmmmmm, holiday to me, vacation to my American friends. My favourite? it has to be my trip to America last year to meet online friends and stay in the home of one of them.

There wasn't much site seeing, there wasn't a lot of eating out, there was lots of chilling and being part of life and lots of reading, lots and lots of reading.

But the most important thing there was was FRIENDS. REAL friends. Not people who had been online imaginary friends who now became real friends but people who had been real friends all along. Some people have difficulty understanding how you can have a friendship of any depth with someone you've never met, particularly when we hear so many stories of people pretending to be who they are not on the internet and so on. One of my friends at church, Ken, was particularly worried about my trip, with me he would joke about it, but to my husband he expressed real concern. "How can you be sure she will be safe?"

You know what, we can NEVER be sure we will be safe, and if you read my response to the "what are you most proud of" question you will already know that I had a rather torturous journey to get where I was going and actually though the love and care that was shown me on that journey and during my stay, my friend Ken is now facebook friends with the friend who I stayed with.

So, some photos . . . . . .

THIS is what kept me stuck in various different airports for 4 days:


When stuck in airports, over and over again, you eat whatever you can find:




The little bit of sight seeing we did do was the Ocmulgee Indian Monument.


where, amongst other things we discovered that even the moon is bigger in America.


We also made a trip to another Indian monument which is best viewed from the tower, BUT we couldn't get to the top of the tower because of a hornets nest. This is the best I could do.


And no description of this trip would be complete without this photo.
Yes my friends, this is what passes for sight seeing in small town America. yes, that is the state mental hospital!

And finally, the absolute highlight of my trip was being asked to take part in the midweek childrens ministry at my friends church. I LOVED IT!

If you're interested in participating in the theme a day project, head on over to toddler awesome by clicking on the banner at the top of this post. Looking forward to getting to know you.


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