Monday 10 May 2010

holy experience

Here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, in no particular order . . . .

136. Hubby's longer days on the road for work (at least once a week) means he gets to use the company car those days thereby reducing our fuel bill and the wear and tear on his car.

137. CD I needed for this week's Sunday's Cool was easily found and didn't hide from me.

138. I have been being consistent enough with the household chores that having a lazy week this week didn't make too much of an impact, thankfully.

139. Wonderful husband who helps me get caught up on the laundry when it gets on top of me.

140. Hubby worked on his car on Saturday WITHOUT INCIDENT this time!

141. Eldest son appears to be getting some extra sleep without too much complaining in preparation for show week, (West Side Story) starting on Wednesday.

142. Eldest appears to be over whatever bug he had, ready for show week, starting on Wednesday.

143. Youngest did well in his assessed food tech practical last week, despite leaving an ingredient at home.

144. Youngest did well in his assessed English oral presentation, despite not having his notes because he stepped in when others weren't quite ready (they had not expected to be starting them that lesson, they all thought it was the next lesson).

145. My legs aching means I have been getting more walking in this last week. (Still not as much as I would have liked but getting there).

146. new leaders for the Young Adults at church. One of whom took our eldest for coffee on Saturday.

147. Finally getting a few answers on some questions that have been puzzling us.

148. Online grocery shopping. Order placed, will be delivered tomorrow and all without me having to leave the house!

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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