Tuesday 4 May 2010

holy experience

Oh my Word - Have you read Ann's post for this week's Thankfulness journey? Go read it, go read it, click on the banner at the top and go read the post titled "How a Child Shows the Way to do Hard things.".

And here is my entry for this week's Thankfulness journey, a day late and in no particular order . . . .

123. That new pillow and head strap for my CPAP machine mentioned last week have really given me a better fit and better nights sleep.

124. Public Holiday yesterday meant an extra day with the family.

125. A friend being out today when I normally visit her while my son is at his Spanish class, means I get to grab a hot chocolate in McDonalds and sit with my journal and a pen!

126. Special requests for me to take my home made bread to small group tonight.

127. I was available and able to respond to my son's request from school this morning to take his forgotten ingredient for his assessed food tech session down to school.

128. As we only live a short distance from school that took me less than 10 minutes.

129. Eldest son seems to be listening over getting extra sleep in anticipation of his extremely busy time coming up with his Tech Theatre Course.

130. When waiting ages and ages for eldest son to finish an unexpected meeting after church (all other participants were independently mobile, my son would need a lift home) a friend spotted that I was the only one left waiting and waited with me and we talked for over an hour.

131. When I finally gave up waiting and left son a note saying he would need to get a lift home, someone did indeed give him a lift.

132. I have everything I need for small group tonight and do not need to run to the shops for anything today.

133. The weather is nice enough that as soon as I finish this post I am heading out for a walk.

134. The pain in my feet from my fallen arch will lessen once I am up and walking, even if getting going is a little sore.

135. The fact that I will get home from fetching son from Spanish class and have to leave for small group just over 30 minutes later is not a problem because my Crockpot will come to the rescue as far as dinner is concerned.

If you wish to participate in blogging about your list of 1000 gifts, head on over to a holy experience, by clicking on the banner at the top of this post.


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