Tuesday 11 May 2010

FOR TODAY, Tuesday 11th May ......

Outside my window...
The sun is shining but there is quite a breeze that brings the temperature down if I open the door. Shame because it really is a beautiful day.

I am thinking...
about how tired I am and what I can do to remedy that.

I am thankful for...
An evening off small group tonight. Yes I know it's important and we need to meet together to encourage each other and so on but I am so tired that I am truly grateful that we get a week off this week because of some group members being away.

From the learning rooms...
Learning a new assembly talk for this morning. Thank You God For Pain - a talk about how you might not think that is a good thing to pray but leprosy sufferers get their injuries because they can't feel pain and so get injuries that the rest of us would pull ourselves out of.

From the kitchen...
Lots of different breads lately. The batch of dough that is currently in the fridge is 5/6 white flour and 1/6 a wholemeal flour with seeds in it. Might also make a fresh batch of challah dough, which reminds me I promised to type that recipe up for a friend and never did, ooops!

I am wearing...
Blue jeans, a black and white top, a rainbow necklace and a lovely thick hooded sweater.

I am going...
to school in a short while to do this assembly then finish my chores when I get home.

I am remembering....
That I promised myself I would do more walking this week.

I am reading...
New Sunday's Cool planning book. We finished 13 sessions on prayer and now are starting 13 weeks on "winners" in the faith.

I am hoping...
that we get some of the local young people visiting youth cafe this week when i am there tomorrow. It can be a bit boring on your own.

I am praying....
for cementing of all the new connections I have made recently and for further connections to be made.

I am hearing...
the tv on in the other room and my youngest knocking the front door to be let in after going for a walk.

Around the house...
Tuesday means living room, hallway and stairs and downstairs bathroom. it is a bit more than I would like on a day when I have an assembly to talk at as well, BUT it does mean I get a day off chores tomorrow, so let's GET ON WITH IT!

One of my favourite things...
is to dance in worship. But I have fallen arches and I like to dance barefoot, in fact, I really cannot dance in my big clumpy shoes and so a wonderful session of worship where I have freedom to express myself in dance often means aching feet and legs later in the day.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
hmmmmm . . . I don't have an awful lot planned for the rest of the week. As I said, no small group tonight, but I do have to take youngest to his Spanish class after school and go visit a friend while he is there. Tomorrow is youth cafe from 3pm till 7pm, although I probably won't stay until the end. Date night is supposed to be Thursdays but I don't have anything planned for that this week and am too tired to come up with anything, so unless hubby has plans we probably won't do anything.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

SO, if you want to read more daybook entries or you would like to take part yourself. Click on the image at the top of this post and check it all out.


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