Monday 17 May 2010

The challenge for day 2 of the the Theme-A-Day Blog Journal Project is:
"What does a day in your life look like - write a timeline of your day."

A lot depends on what day of the week it is, but the rough outline of my day is very loose and as follows:

7:00am alarm goes off and wake up

7:15am dressed and downstairs, and straight onto the computer, check emails (I have two main email accounts), facebook, my google calendar, and my remember the milk To-Do list.

At some point during that I will grab some breakfast, usually a bowl of cereal or a yummy cereal bar, sometimes toast and marmite.

8:05am every day youngest leaves the house to walk to school
some days eldest leaves the house to head to college (depending on what classes he has that day)

Then I will mooch around the house, do whatever chores are on my list, maybe pop out and get a few groceries, maybe do some journal writing, maybe some reading, but a lot of popping in and out of various websites, keeping my email and facebook open most of the time.

If eldest only has afternoon lessons he will leave later on.

2:30pm youngest finished school, he will be home by 2:45pm, unless he has an after school club that day.

If eldest has had afternoon classes he will be home at 4:30pm.

I usually serve dinner around 6:30pm which is more or less when hubby arrives home.
After dinner there will be some tv watching and maybe now the weather is better we'll go for a walk, and I usually head to bed around 10pm where I will do some paper and pen puzzles for a bit before setting up my CPAP machine for the night.

****<>< ****<>< ****<>< ****<>< ****<>< ****<>< ****<>< . Mondays I have to head out to a meeting in a local cafe before lunch with one of the church leaders.

Tuesdays after school youngest has a Spanish class at the college eldest goes to, So I take him there and go visit a friend who lives near the college during his class. When that is over we head home, usually arriving home around 6:40pm.
Hubby and I have to be back out the door for small group at 7:15pm most weeks, so while there is time to eat dinner there is no time to prepare it. Sometimes I use the crockpot, sometimes I put chicken burgers and oven fries in my oven on timer, but just this last week I hit on what I think will be our solution for a while at least.
Jacket Spuds (baked potatoes) with pickles, relishes, cheese and cold meats. Add a bag of salad and we have a fairly rounded meal. I can get the cheese and meats sliced up and put on a plate in the fridge before I go and whack the potatoes into the oven and when we get home dinner can be on the table within 5 minutes of walking in the door.

Wednesdays I volunteer at the local youth cafe, have to be there around 3pm and although it doesn't finish until 7pm I am usually away by 6pm and home by 6:30pm. Eldest currently has his young adults small group at church, which he occassionally needs a lift to, but I believe that is about to change night.

Thursdays hubby and I usually have date night, and at the moment youngest has an after school writing group at the town centre library every other week.

Fridays I try to keep as a day off, even from chores around the house, aiming to have all that done by the end of Thursday.

Add in to all that that my job entails being in different schools on different days in different weeks doing different things and we have a very unstructured life in some ways. But having a base structure, having things that I know I need to get done on certain days is the only way I can keep any kind of order.

If you're interested in participating in the theme a day project, head on over to awesome toddler by clicking on the banner at the top of this post. Looking forward to getting to know you.


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