Friday 8 May 2009

This is my first week posting for frugal Friday, and I'm being a bit naughty and asking for suggestions rather than making some!

You see, it looks as though we are going to get a summer vacation this year after all, but it will take everything we had set aside for that and maybe a little bit more.

BUT that is the same month that my eldest turns 18!
His main gift is sorted because we're using his childhood savings account to pay for it.
He already knows what that is, a laptop computer. My dad and sister are coming through with a decent laptop bag, rather than just a cheap one that he would get if he was buying it himself.

We're hoping to have a blessing ceremony/party for him, with friends whose spiritual input we trust. I do want to have food etc, and maybe some simple grown up decorations. But with it being vacation month cash will be tight.

We're probably looking at at least 20 or so people.

Any suggestions? For either that ceremony/party or other ways to make his birthday special?

If you want to participate in Frugal Fridays, click on their image at the top of this post. You'll get loads of great ideas.


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