Thursday 28 May 2009

Yesterday’s Post on Wordless Wednesday showed this photo:
I took this at a recent baptism service at our church, but these flags are up all the time.
We don’t just have any old flags up there, we have only the flags of nations that a member of the church has visited or has contacts with.
So now we’re going to test my knowledge of flags and geography by seeing if I can remember where they are from and why they are there.
Starting at the far end
We have the Ulster flag, because one of the families in our church is from Northern Ireland and various members make regular visits to a church we are connected with over there, and vice versa.
Then we have the Romanian flag. As a church we have connections with a family who are ministering in the gypsy communities out in Romania. Various church members have made visits over there and one couple who have now moved on even bought a house out there to use for ministry.
Following that we have what I think is the South African flag. A group of our young people had the privilege of going over to South Africa to work with a church in one of the townships, on practical projects a few years ago.
Then there is my favourite, the Belarusian flag, that one is mine! Last December I was honoured to travel to Belarus with Samaritan’s Purse as part of an operation Christmas Child shoebox distribution team. We took shoebox gifts to children in children's homes, schools, boarding schools, churches and individual homes as well as visiting a drug rehab centre and the home of a Babushka, an elderly lady in one of the villages.
I think the next flag is from Ghana, but I can’t see the middle of the flag on the photo so can’t be sure. I am not certain where that connection comes from.
After that is the Canadian flag because over the years quite a few of our members have visited Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and we are now part of Partners in Harvest which comes out of there.
Then of course we have the Union Flag of Great Britain. That one is for all of us!
The little one second from this end is the Norwegian flag. Two of the families in the church were able to go to Norway to minister at an RTF (Restoring the Foundations) conference and training weekend.
I believe the closest one at this end is the Indian flag and that would be because some members of the church ministered in India a few years ago.
If you participated in Wordless Wednesday and would like to share the story of your photo, head on over to Tell Me Thursday and share your link.


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