Monday 18 May 2009


Last week I talked about how I am starting to grow veggies.
My TACKLE for last week was to tidy that area of the garden (yard) and get going with the raised bed.
For tackle it Tuesday I showed the before photos, but never showed the afters, well, here is further progress after that.

Over the weekend we got the protective cover (neighbourhood cats) put together and began planting!
First I laid out the thick cord to mark out square foot beds, since we are using the square foot method of gardening.


Then we had a first attempt at the protective cover, which you can see was sagging dramatically in the middle.


So my husband added another curve of plastic pipe in the middle, and put pipe clips inside the box at the 4 corners, to support it and it looked much better. Round the edge are just ordinary drawing pins (thumb tacks), which the net hooks over. At other points it is tied on with ordinary twist ties.


So then it came time to sew some seeds and even get some plants in. The following chart shows what is now in, in green, and what is still to get planted at some point this month in black.
Got a good deal on the marigolds. In the garden centre they were £3.99 for 12, and we didn't want to spend that much so we left them. On the same car park there is a farm shop, and sometimes they ahve plants at the farm shop. They had 12 marigolds for just £1.50. OK so they were slightly less mature plants, but not by much!


We also planted some french bean plants that were a bargain at the DIY store into a planter that we already had.


And transplanted 2 strawberry plants that were in 2 separate smaller versions of this pot, into the larger version.


Finally we picked up some tomato seedlings at another garden centre, and planted those into hanging baskets, but I don't have pictures of those. They are a variety bred specifically for growing in containers or hanging baskets, you don't have to do any pinching out of the tips, you just let the plant get on with it.

This post is being entered to Talk about it Tuesday and tackle it Tuesday. Go check out both of those sites by clicking on their images at the top of this post.

Hopefully at some point this week my hubby is going to build me a frame for the left hand end of the bed, for growing the vertical crops, such as peas, beans and cucumbers.


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