Monday 25 May 2009

creative bliss I am Blissfully Domestic
Teenage Boys Bedrooms.
How do you find the balance?  The balance between giving them some freedom and space and letting go a bit and wanting to have a home that isn’t a health hazard because of the mess?
We'd been trying the "breathe deeply and let him have his space" method, but a health hazard is a health hazard and has to be dealt with.
The room had got so bad that it was a foot deep in mess!  Clothes, empty pop bottles, books, magazines, empty food wrappers, cd’s, towels, and goodness knows what else.
It’s been bad before, we’ve spent time working on it with him before, my sister even came over and spent a day with him getting it sorted.  And each and every time it ahs gone back to the mess again.  Only this time it’s the worst it’s ever been.  Who knows what is in that mess!
So the time has come.  We’ve threatened it, we’ve told him we would. It hasn’t made any difference.  Well now he’s going to find out that we are keeping our word and if he can’t keep it tidy he can’t keep it.
On Saturday he was out for the day and my husband braved the mess!  He spent the day clearing out.  He made a pile of clothes for eldest to launder over the next few days, confiscated anything that belonged to other family members, made a pile of all the cd’s etc which we are hiding in the loft, and threw out everything else!
I will be adding a “Check son’s room” to my list of chores and I will be confiscating anything that is not where it should be.  He will learn one way or the other!
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